
Sales Leaders Mastermind

Created By
Eunice Maina
  • 4.9 Star (54)
  • 4 Hour 47 min
  • 144 Enrolled
  • 4 Topics

Course Overview

On the sales Leaders mastermind course, you have access to:

  • - 4 weekly coaching sessions for building strategy and systems that make your sales predictable and consistent.
  • - +3 monthly accountability and brainstorming sessions with your coach.


By the end of the session you will learn how to:

- Take control of your sales.
- Position your business for sales success 
- Build a sales system that delivers results 
- Effectively manage your team to get more sales



ksh 75000ksh 150000

This Course Include:

  • Week 1: Your Business model- Develop a scalable business model.
  • Week 2: Your Sales and Marketing strategy.
  • Week 3: Your sales generating Machine- Set up systems and processes that support sales.
  • Week 4: The sales evaluation system.

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